中国银联(China UnionPay)成立于2002年,主要负责建设和运营全国统一的银行卡跨行信息交换网络、提供银行卡跨行信息交换相关的专业化服务、管理和经营“银联”品牌、制定银行卡跨行交易业务规范和技术标准。目前已在179个国家和地区开通服务,截至2020年,中国银联已成为全球发卡量最大的卡组织,累计发行86+亿张银行卡。
Anna Veronika Dorogus
Machine Learning Expert
Anna Veronika Dorogush graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University and Yandex School of Data Analysis. She used to work at ABBYY, Yandex, Microsoft and Google on Machine Learning infrastructure and Machine Learning frameworks. In 2017 she published the open-source library CatBoost, which is now one of top-3 most popular Gradient Boosting libraries, and the top 7-th most used Machine Learning framework in the world according to Kaggle 2021 review.