TigerGraph 图期刊 #14期
本期头条:TigerGraph正式上线亚马逊中国 AWS Marketplace,支持按需购买,灵活部署
本期头条:TigerGraph正式上线亚马逊中国 AWS Marketplace,支持按需购买,灵活部署
上周我们分享了国家电网如何利用图技术来打造电力图计算平台,并实现了秒级EMS实时网络状态分析,受到了不小的关注。而今天的随身听将进一步分享 “电网一张图“时空数据管理系统、电力设备管理知识图谱、电力现货市场模拟仿真系统,里面涉及的内容绝不仅仅只是针对电力行业
Anna Veronika Dorogus
Machine Learning Expert
Anna Veronika Dorogush graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University and Yandex School of Data Analysis. She used to work at ABBYY, Yandex, Microsoft and Google on Machine Learning infrastructure and Machine Learning frameworks. In 2017 she published the open-source library CatBoost, which is now one of top-3 most popular Gradient Boosting libraries, and the top 7-th most used Machine Learning framework in the world according to Kaggle 2021 review.