TigerGraph 图期刊 #8
本期头条:Graph+AI 2021中国峰会:请查收大会议程+重磅嘉宾。另外,TigerGraph 与合作伙伴Expero深厚的领域专业知识相结合,正在帮助更多企业充分发挥图分析的潜力。这里我们分享了围绕客户360、反欺诈、供应链的三大工具包,你可以直观的了解如何结合图技术优化这些场景,提高企业竞争力。
本期头条:Graph+AI 2021中国峰会:请查收大会议程+重磅嘉宾。另外,TigerGraph 与合作伙伴Expero深厚的领域专业知识相结合,正在帮助更多企业充分发挥图分析的潜力。这里我们分享了围绕客户360、反欺诈、供应链的三大工具包,你可以直观的了解如何结合图技术优化这些场景,提高企业竞争力。
Anna Veronika Dorogus
Machine Learning Expert
Anna Veronika Dorogush graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University and Yandex School of Data Analysis. She used to work at ABBYY, Yandex, Microsoft and Google on Machine Learning infrastructure and Machine Learning frameworks. In 2017 she published the open-source library CatBoost, which is now one of top-3 most popular Gradient Boosting libraries, and the top 7-th most used Machine Learning framework in the world according to Kaggle 2021 review.